Vento – 15W @532 nm, 500 ps

19 Jun 2015 Expo, News

Bright Solutions presents the new green sub-ns DPSS laser emitting 15W at 532nm, with repetition rates up to 200 kHz and pulsewidth as short as 500 ps.
Ideal for micromachining, glass cutting, and precision LIDAR, the whole laser is enclosed in an extremely compact and ruggedized single unit.
Long lifetime and ease of use are ensured by the company innovative MOPA design.
Also available at 1064 nm.
>> Request info

Onda – 1W @266 nm, 2ns

19 Jun 2015 Expo, News

Bright Solutions presents the new ultra-compact ns DPSS laser emitting 1W at 266nm, with repetition rates up to 50 kHz and pulsewidth as short as 2 ns.
Ideal for precision micromachining and UV ablation, the whole laser is enclosed in an extremely compact and ruggedized air cooled single unit.
Long lifetime and ease of use are ensured by the company innovative optical design.
Also available at 355, 532 and 1064 nm.
>> Read more

Custom Solutions

16 Jun 2015 Home
Over the years we developed or customized several DPSS lasers for some particular applications requested by our customers, other than second and third harmonic generation of our standard products Luce and Wedge. Though initially developed for limited production runs, we may offer both larger production runs as well as differently customized options.
Our custom products include:

  • Optical Parametric
  • Optical Parametric Converters
  • Amplified Single-Frequency sub-ns lasers
  • Amplified Picosecond Laser
  • DPSS Femtosecond Laser at 1um

We can provide further Custom Solutions on design and manufacture of high quality laser diode systems and DPSS Lasers for industrial, medical and defense applications.
If you are interested in having more information, please, contact us at:

Onda ns Q-Switched DPSS laser

16 Jun 2015 Home


  • Up to 1mJ pulse energy
  • @266nm @355nm @1064nm
  • 2 to 1ns pulsewidth
  • Single shot to 100kHz
  • MOPA configurations
  • Monolothic Design
  • Air cooling
  • Low heat waste


Schermata 2015-06-12 alle 14.53.46

  • Specially marking
  • Micromachinig of glass
  • Electronic manufacturing
  • LIDAR and bathymetry
  • Thin film removal
  • Hole drilling

Developed as a high-energy seeder for advanced MOPA systems, Onda is the new DPSS ns-laser platform aimed to high-end applications requiring both excellent beam quality and high peak power in order to process metal, glass, plastics, delicate and hard materials.
Onda is available at four different wavelenghts: 266, 355, 532 and 1064nm.
The internal optical layout and the accurate temperature management allow to get relevant pulse energy performances without compromising the lifetime of the THG and FHG stages.
All of Onda models can work from single shot to 50 kHz or up to 100 kHz with a pulsewidth between 2 and 10 ns and share the same mechanical foot print and electronic interface.
Compactness, insensutuvuty to environmental conditions and ease of handling allow superior operation flexibility and performance / cost ratio.
A new version of the digitalic Control Box and the new proprietary Software Interface are  available for simplified remote control and monitoring.

Options available

  • Beam Expanding and collimation optics
  • Fiber coupling
  • Low jitter option
  • Extended operating temperature range
  • Pulse Energy Modulation
  • Circular Polarization
  • Monitoring Photodiode
  • Red aiming beam
  • Remote control box and software interface
  • AC-DC Power Supply
  • Higher energy MOPA cnfigurations

Premio Legambiente 2015

Legambiente Award 2015
Bright Solutions è stata recentemente premiata da Legambiente per il progetto AMPLE
(Aerosol Multi-wavelength Polarization Lidar Experiment), avente come scopo il monitoraggio
delle particelle inquinanti in aree urbane ed extra-urbane.

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