- 1064.3 +- 0.1 nm
- 1064, 532, 355 nm
- 7ps
- spectral width <0.3nm
- 40MHz
- air-cooled and liquid-cooled version
- Non-linear optics
- OPO pumping
- Raman spectroscopy
- Fluorescence spectroscopy
- Multimodal imaging
Narrowband ps lasers
Bright Solutions’ Nps laser platform is a new ultrafast picosecond laser series, especially tailored for spectroscopic applications, by combining compactness and ruggedness of fiber laser technology with spectral purity of the DPSS design.
According to the number and the features of the proprietary amplification stages, it is possible to achieve several power levels at 1064.3nm and its harmonics.
The new ultrafast Nps-1064-10 laser operates in the regime of few picoseconds pulse durations (7 ps) with average power of 10 mW at a repetition rate of 40 MHz. The transform-limited operation (spectral width < 0.3 nm) and remarkably accurate central wavelength (1064.3 ± 0.1 nm) make this laser a suitable candidate for highly efficient amplification by Nd-doped DPSS amplifiers,opening the way to applications in non linear optics (i.e. OPO pumping) and narrowband Raman spectroscopy.
Options available
- Custom amplifications
- Beam expanding and collimating optics
- Circular polarization
- Water cooling
- Remote control CBOX and software interface
- AC-DC power supply